We offer full scholarship for eligible nursing students in 2024. Terms & conditions apply.

PTPTNThe National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) was established under the National Higher Education Fund Act 1997 (Act 566). PTPTN’s objective is to ensure that no student should be denied access to higher education because of financial reasons.
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MARAMARA Study Loan Programmes or Skim Pinjaman Pelajaran (SPiP) were introduced in 1966 when Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) was formed. Students have to apply to the respective institutions before applying for the loan.
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KOJADIKoperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad or KOJADI was established in 1981 where its objective is to extend an effective student loan facility to enable students in need to pursue higher education and to shape students into well-trained manpower to meet the demand for skilled human resources in the country. Presently, KOJADI has a total 13 loan schemes under its loan programme to cater for a wide spectrum of education courses ranging from vocational and technical to undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
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MIEDMaju Institute of Education Development (MIED) since 1984 has supported students in need by providing study loans to pursue their higher education and today it has become the leading provider of study loans to members of the Malaysian Indian community seeking such assistance for further education.
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PPBUYayasan Bank Rakyat’s Pinjam Pendidikan Boleh Ubah (PPBU) is offered to students pursuing tertiary level education from Skills Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Professional, Master’s Degree, and Doctorate (PhD). Its aim is to aid the social and economic development of Malaysians by enabling bright but needy students to receive undergraduate education at local Public OR Private Higher Learning Institutions and Training Institutes in the country on a full-time basis.
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